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when should i take my child to the er for a fever?

Sick with the flu: When to go to the ER [Infographic] - Children's Health
Sick with the flu: When to go to the ER [Infographic] - Children's Health
Share this article by email Kids from fever: When to worry, When to relax How high is it for your child's fever? Our expert explains when the fever is severe. Health & Wellness Tips Fitness, Health & Wellness Weekly Sent for Children Fevers: When Worry, When Relaxing can be a very scary thing for parents, especially for mothers and first-time parents. (How high is too high? Should I call the doctor immediately?) Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. But every child will eventually experience a fever, no matter how careful you are, says pediatrician. And it's important that parents know what to do when this happens. This starts with taking your child's temperature using any available, from standard oral thermometers to the latest temporary artery scanners. "You can use any of these devices, but a digital thermometer is usually all you need," he says. Need to use a rectal thermometer for infants and young children. "If you feel uncomfortable doing this, use any device that makes you more comfortable," says Dr. Lim. "Aging children, an oral temperature is more accurate, if the child is able to tolerate it. When to keep your calm What is a fever? Fever is defined as a temperature above 100.4 F (38.0 C). Normal body temperature is 98.6 F (37 C). The body temperature of all varies throughout the day and may differ by age, level of activity and other factors. Don't be alarmed if your child's temperature varies. The magic fever number is 100.4 F.Don't be alarmed if your child's temperature varies. The magic number for fever is 100.4 F.When you should not worry about your The child's fever? Dr. Lim says doctors tend not to worry about: To Call Your Doctor Now For What Important Question: When Do you care about the fever? Call a doctor when: What? to make if a seizure occurs Seizures are a very terrifying side effect of fevers in some children, says Dr. Lim. "" occurs in 2 to 4% of all children under 5 years of age. Not all seizures cause masturbation movements in the body. Some seizures seem to "stop." If your child develops a seizure: If the attack lasts less five minutes, call your doctor or get immediate medical attention. What? to make over multiple fevers If your child is persistent or multiple episodes of fever and a pediatrician cannot find out what it is that causes them, can refer your child to a specialist, says Dr. Lim. A pediatric infectious disease expert or pediatric rheumatologist can be able to get at the bottom of the matter. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not support products or services of Clinics no Cniles. Related articles Trend themes Health Essentials Social networks and mobile applications Resources

5 Serious symptoms in children to never ignore What to consider if your child has a very high temperature or other worrying symptoms. Runny nose. pains. It's itching. These are some of the typical evils that occur in children everywhere. But what if something more serious develops, like a fever above 103 degrees or a stiff neck? You may not know if you rush to the emergency room, call the doctor or just wait at home. "If your child is very weak -- sick as he has ever been -- parents need to call their doctor now," says Barton Schmitt, doctor, pediatrician, who oversees the Call Center hours later at Aurora's Children's Hospital, Colo., who takes calls for 590 pediatricians every night. "Of those calls, 20% are sent to the ER, 30% should be seen the next day in the office, and half can be safely taken care of at home," says Schmitt. Some parents may worry that their instinct to address the ER or emergency care clinic after the pediatrician's office is closed will be questioned by the doctor to the call if nothing serious appears, but it is generally prudent to trust your gut feeling. "Some parents think they should not go to the hospital because they will be ridiculed, but there is nothing wrong with an emergency visit that results in nothing but reassurance," says Alfred Sacchetti, MD, head of emergency medicine at the Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center in Camden, N.J., and spokesman for the American College of Emergency Physicians. If anything had happened, you wouldn't have been able to live with him. These are common childhood symptoms that can justify a visit to the doctor's office, a 24-hour walk clinic or an emergency room. If you have a baby younger than 1 year, see when to take a baby to the doctor or ER, because the criteria are different for babies than for older children. However, with children of any age, do not hesitate to ask a professional when he is in doubt. High fever in an older child than 1If your child is swollen and warm, your first instinct can be to see a doctor as quickly as possible, but this may not always be necessary. We continue "We constantly try to teach parents not to look at the thermometer, but what are the symptoms of children and how they look," says Schmitt, who created the KidsDoc Smartphone App at the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a triage system that helps parents figure out how to treat children's symptoms. A fever is part of the body's form of defending against an infection. If a child has a fever, it means his immune system is working. A fever, by definition, is 100.4 F, taken straight. You may want to take a temperature under your arm, but be sure to add a degree to the results, to get a more accurate number. You can give your child medications such as or (if the child is over 6 months old) to reduce your fever. But make sure it's really necessary, and keep close the dosage of this or any child, whether it's a recipe or not. Remember, fever reducers do not fight the infection that is causing the fever, it only reduces the fever temporarily. Continuation A recent study published in Pediatrics found that one in four parents gives their reduction medication when their temperature is less than 100 F, but most pediatricians do not recommend treating fever unless it is higher than 101 F. And if your child looks good and is eating and drinking, skip the trip to the ER; a high fever itself does not always need immediate medical attention. "Most fevers in a child are not medical emergencies and can wait until the office opens to see a doctor," says AAP spokesman Ari Brown, MD, a pediatrician based in Austin, Texas. Recommend that you bring your child 2 years or older to your doctor if you have a fever of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, if you look bad, or if you have had one for four or more days in a row. A child under 2 years of age should be seen by a doctor within 48 hours of fever. Bad headache How can you say if your child's headache is serious enough to justify immediate medical care, or if you let them jump to school and that would help? " Minor disappears with free selling painkillers and/or rests," Brown says. "Major no". If your child's headache lasts several hours -- or if the pain is so intense that they can't eat, play or even enjoy their favorite TV show -- call the pediatrician. "If it is severe enough to incapacitate the child, it needs to be evaluated now," says Schmitt. "They cannot perform normal activities. All they can do is think about your pain." may be caused by tight muscles on the scalp, instead of a problem related to the , but a headache with neurological symptoms (such as confusion, blurry or difficulty walking) should be evaluated by an emergency room doctor. combined with fever, , confusion, , or stiff neck should also be evaluated quickly as the child may have a severe infection or disease, such as a medical emergency. If a child has headaches often, it is necessary to evaluate it. Children usually should not have headaches. Large bread rash Don't worry too much about an eruption in your child's arm or feet; they're usually harmless. If the rash covers your entire body, however, examine it to see if you should get medical attention. "If you touch the red eruption and turn on or become white, then you let yourself go and it becomes red again, you usually don't have to worry about it," says Sacchetti. "Most virus eruptions and allergic reactions, including, will do that. " A non-whitening rash -- small red or purple dots in which they do not change color when they press on them -- may indicate a medical emergency like or, particularly when accompanied by a fever. This type of rash can also appear in the face after violent combats of or, so it is not always a sign of something serious, especially if it is only in an area. Continuation To be safe, any time your child has small red or purple points that are not anchoring appear in an extended area, it is better to seek emergency care at once, to rule out a more serious condition. Another widespread eruption that can be a medical emergency is hives that appear with lip swelling. The polls must be treated immediately with diphenyhadramine (). If there is swelling of the lips or face, the child should see a doctor. If your child's breathing is labored or your child complains of difficulty breathing, call 911 immediately. These symptoms suggest an anaphylactic reaction, which is a serious threat to life. Severe stomach ErrorWhen your child has or (the so-called stomach flu), although it has nothing to do with ), monitor how often they are vomiting or having. Vomiting and may lead to . If mild, your doctor may recommend that you give oral electrolyte solutions at home, although treatment depends in part on the child's age. If your child seems to be getting worse (not peeing or acting sick), you should consult your doctor. Vomiting three times in the afternoon cannot lead to , but eight outbreaks of diarrhea in eight hours will probably do so, as a combination of vomiting with diarrhea. Dehydration should be monitored closely and sometimes needs emergency treatment. "If you are losing it down and cannot hold the ideal fluid from above, you may need some IV fluids or prescription drugs to stop vomiting," says Schmitt. "Young children have the greatest risk of dehydration." Stiff Neck A stiff neck can indicate meningitis, a real medical emergency, so parents can if they see their child standing rigidly, not moving their necks, or refusing to look left or right. But a stiff neck itself is rarely more than pained muscles. "Look at a constellation of symptoms, not just one in isolation," Brown says. "A stiff neck could only mean you slept funny. Meningitis is a combination of stiff neck fever and headache." Meningitis can also be accompanied by vomiting and lethargy. A stiff neck with fever could be as simple as an inflammation of amygdala or swollen lymph node, not meningitis; calling the pediatrician could relieve their fears. Of course, if the trauma caused a painful neck, that's a clear reason to go to the emergency room. Sources:Barton Schmitt, MD, medical director, After Hours Call Center, Children's Hospital, Aurora, Colo.; creator, KidsDoc app for smartphones of the American Academy of Pediatrics; professor of pediatrics, University of Colorado in Denver; pediatrician, Hospital Infantil, Aurora, Colo.; author, Health of your child, Books of Bantam. Alfred Sacchetti, MD, head of emergency medicine, Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, Camden, N.J.; spokesman, American College of Emergency Physicians. American Academy of Pediatrics: "KidsDoc app."Sullivan, J. Pediatrics, March 2011; vol 127: pp 580-587.Ari Brown, MD, spokesperson, American Academy of Pediatrics; pediatrician, Austin, Texas; co-author, Toddler 411: Clear Answers & Smart Advice For Your Toddler. Wells, L. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2001; vol 85: pp 218-222. Pagination Top Picksfurther readingToday on WebMDToddler Coughing? Remedies that could help. When your child is sickTake diarrhea, fever, and more. 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